The definition of Trust is to have an assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. To Trust a person is one in which confidence is placed.
Lately I have been focusing on the meaning of trust and how it revolves around in my life and in my faith in God. Christian always talk about having faith and trusting in God. But do they really dwell on the word “trust” and how we apply it to God?
People usually learn how to trust through their parents, for it is the parents that provide a child an physical, social and emotional needs. And if that trust is broken or never full formed, a person can grow up to not trust people around him or herself socially. Trust is always important in any relationship. It is important with the people close to you. It is very important in a person's relationship with God. I have been reading a book called Praying the Psalms by Juanita Ryan. And I have been reading Psalm 62, which is known as a prayer of Trust.
1Truly my soul silently waits for God;From Him comes my salvation.
2He only is my rock and my salvation;He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.
I found myself saying these words to myself saying verse 1 just a couple days ago, when I was fretting about something and caught up in a world of nervousness. Deep inside I knew that verse was ringing true in my soul. My soul was silently waiting for the Lord. It was waiting for Him to speak and move within my life. For I know everything in my life flows through Him. And when I look for guidance from Him and it isn't as quick as I would like it, I get antsy on what way I need to take things. And at times when I do step forth without His guidance, I get lost and cry about it to Him.
I have known for a very long time that God is my only rock and salvation in this world in which I live in. As I grew up with a lot of turmoil and discord in my life, He was my only defense, in which with my innocent mind, spoke to him countless times about various issues as I lay in bed at night crying myself to sleep. He was the rock in which I stood on each new day. He was the defense in my life, when I felt I had none. And through the years, as my walk in faith grew deeper, I found myself not moved without God by my side. It was a strong bond which I forged with my Heavenly Father. A trust between a Heavenly parent and a mortal child.
One of the things that it chapter in the book asks me is what are my insecurities in my relationship with God. I took a long pause to think of it before I admitted it. My insecurity with my relationship with God I think is a normal one with many Christians. That He won't answer to my pleas or He doesn't hear me at all. I am human and being so, I tend to ,limit God in my life, as if He is a human parent and likely to have the failings of other parents of this world. Not answering my pleas for help, ignoring my insistent statements of the desires of my heart and not advising me against stubborn outlooks in life.
I know God hears me, and it is my limiting Him by my human standards prevents Him from working in my life at times as He needs to. So I always try to take a blind leap of faith when it comes to God, because He has never abandoned me. I take that jump because I have Trust in the Lord. I guess it would be hard to explain. I just know that he has always provided for me when I was in need of something. It wasn't always a want, but it was a need. If I needed food, I received. If was short of money for some bill, I received. It was always something which I needed and God always provided. God also was there emotional for me at times, when I had no one. He calmed my fear and soothed my broken heart so many nights, when it seems that the night would never end. He was always there, when I called. I love Isaiah 48:9, because it reflects the trust in my soul for God.
Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; You will cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.'
Isaiah 48:9
It is a bond of trust that I have turned to time and time again in my life.
Once again the book I am reading asked me “What makes a person trustworthy?” Hmmmm. For each person, it is various things which are too numerous to mention, but I know if someone whom I trust fumbles a particular issue I have place trust in, it is harder to give that trust to that person full trust the next time around. We have all been hurt by untrustworthy people and sometimes innocent people are harmed because of our mistrust.
You shall be slain, all of you,
Like a leaning wall and a tottering fence.
4 They only consult to cast him down from his high position;
They delight in lies; They bless with their mouth,
But they curse inwardly. Selah
I am human and like anyone else, I place a lot of trust in the people of this world only to feel the heartache of disappointment when human trust is broken. The words “ You shall be slain, all of you.” reminds me that I will die and why do I put my trust in human like things when I should always focus on God who is eternal. “Like a leaning wall and a tottering fence” reflects the instability of things of this world, the fraility of the world that I live in, it shows me I should not place my heart and trust in the material things of this world. I should place my trust in the Lord.
For my expectation is from Him.
6 He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
7 In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God.
My soul does wait silently for God. The one thing about trusting God, is that He makes you learn patience. In order to have trust in the God, one must have a type of patience, for God moves in His time and not mine, no matter how badly I wish Him to. It is having that patience to wait upon Him, that builds that trust over time. One must have open mind to be able to see that God HAS come through as promised. If I beg of God to provide something to me, in which He knows it is not in my best interest, and I am hurt by His actions in my life, then that trust in jepordized. I can believe that God either ignored my pleas or I can see a deeper and wider scope of it. God doesn't always provide a “want” in my life, but He will always provide a “need”. I have to always remind myself, when I ask something of God and place my trust in Him, that I am aware of what trust I am playing in God's hands and if is in God's will.
I believe a lot of people lose trust in God because they have limited Him to a human standard and when things do not follow through as a person would like them, they blame God. God didn't do and God didn't do that. I must always remember one very important thing. God CAN do anything. He is not limited to our human boundries. And if it is in God's will for something to be done or happen, believe me, it WILL happen.
The world is like that leaning wall and a tottering fence, which many people place trust in. I know I have placed my trust in God, yet still depended on frailties of man. God is not that leaning wall and a tottering fence. I need to place my trust on God, the rock of my strength, and not some poorly made wall or rickety old fence. The only way I will not be moved in this world, is if I place my trust in God who is the Rock of my strength, for in this human shell, there is nothing but God that can withstand the test of time.
8 Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah
Do I trust in God at all times? Do you? If I said I did, then I everyone would know that I am lying, because being human, we have do have boundaries of understanding and comprehending this of this world. I do pour out my hear to Him. God knows me better then anyone of this world. He is m y refuge, because it is in Him which I have poured out my heart, so He knows the innermost workings of my soul. He is my Father and as His daughter, I share with Him the countless joys as well as the painful heartaches of my soul. So, Trust in Him at all times, for He is the refuge of one's soul, only if you allow God to take you into His arms at all times, regardless on what you are going through. It is a deep trust, anyone should have with God. To be able to turn to Him at anytime for comfort and solace.
Men of high degree are a lie;
If they are weighed on the scales,
They are altogether lighter than vapor.
10 Do not trust in oppression,
Nor vainly hope in robbery;
If riches increase,
Do not set your heart on them.
We live in a very material world and it is hard to see men as a vapor, but in God's eyes this world is very temporary. And as a human, it is hard to remember that. All the things of this world will fall away, but God never changes and will always remain the same. That is why trust in Him is important, because it is that trust we have in Him, helps us see that things of this world are nothing but a vapor. We are not to trust in things of this world, such as riches. It is a strong temptation for me, as I am sure it is for most people, because it gives us a false sense of stability.
If we take our eyes off the Lord, then we place them on other things, which we might begin to form a sense of trust in. I might be tempted to place my trust in man, who might love me or I might place my trust in money because of the ability to provide things I want. So my bond of trust might be harmed because I am placing trust in worldly things rather then in an eternal one.
When I have been gripped with an issue of trust regarding this world and God, I always repeat one thing to help me focus on God and God alone. The words are simple, yet if I repeat over and over again, when I am struggling with the disappointment in what I see, it helps me real “see” what is important, because I live the door open for God, rather then shut it.
“The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want”
Psalm 23
Those simple words, profess my trust in God and I repeat it when I struggle to lose that trust due to my disappointment in life. Jesus is the Shepherd, and when I am lost, He will guide me, the lost sheep, and provide for me so I shall not want. It is trust strong trust between a Shepherd and his lamb. A bond that only grows in time, through trails and tribulation, where I have gotten lost, and when I cried out, God came to find me and lead me back into His arms again.
It is unbroken trust I have with God, which shows me not to dwell on the things of man, though it be very hard to do. When I stumble and fall, I always know why I do and what I must do in order to find myself beside My Heavenly Father again.
11God has spoken once,
Twice I have heard this:
That power belongs to God.
12 Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy;
For You render to each one according to his work.
God is strong and loving and in times of great crises, that can be hard to see. But God has never failed to show His children that all power belongs to Him. Not only is He powerful and all things revert back to Him, but He is merciful as well. What trust to have in God that He contains all the power of this world and when His heavy hand comes down to make sure His ultimate plan might be accomplished, He is still merciful to those who fall upon the wayside and get lost. Never does God turn away from His children who have strayed from His path. It is a trust that God has placed down and put before us always in His Word.
8And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you.
He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you;
do not fear nor be dismayed.
Deuteronomy 31:8 NKJV
He will be with me always, even when I might not want Him to be there. He will be with you always, even if you don't feel He is there. He is always there for His children. He faithfulness is everlasting. It is whom we should put all our trust in. Trust in God alone.
My love for Him only deepens when I realize that my Father, God is always standing there, when all the things of this world are brushed away in time.
He truly is my Rock and my Salvation.
The Rock of strength that is the foundation of my faith and love, because I trust in Him.
Thank you Lord. :o)
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